The Dentrix Enterprise Document Center can help you make your office paperless. You can scan, capture, and import files, such as patient letters, EOBs, referral letters, patient pictures, and X-rays. A file in Document Center can be a document file type (.txt, .rtf, .doc, .docx, and .pdf), an image file type (.bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, and .tif), a slide show presentation file type (.ppt. .pptx), a spreadsheet file type (.xls or .xlsx), or any other file type (which you can store but not preview in Document Center).
In Document Center, you can view files by patient, provider, insurance plan, and referral source. You can select filters to view files that have been acquired within a certain date range and assigned a certain document type. In the preview area, you can add pages to a document; sort the pages of a document; and adjust the color, brightness, and contrast of an image. Also, can share files as needed; for example, you can print a picture, send a letter by email, or attach a narrative to an electronic claim.
Important: If you are upgrading Dentrix Enterprise from a version prior to 6.0, to view documents from before the upgrade, you must run a utility to convert those documents.
Click any of the following links to learn about setting up and using Document Center:
Parts of the Document Center window
Document Center setup
Selecting a Document Center printer
Customizing the Document Center display options
Setting up document type templates
Setting up the Document Center preferences
Setting up the Document Center repositories
Printing and exporting documents
Printing the Document Center List